Dr. Thomas Spitzer-Hanks
BIC Lecturer
BIC Courses: World of Rhetoric I and 2, Social World 1 and 2, and World Cultures 3 and 4
Dr. Thomas Spitzer-Hanks is a Lecturer in the BIC and a longtime member of the Baylor community, having been born to two Baylor professors just a few short years ago. Thomas' academic work centers on rhetorical epistogenesis (how epistemologies are created and sustained through the ways we use language) and he is particularly interested in classical reception and how our ideas about ancient Greece continue to shape modern history around specific interpretations of what masculinity and whiteness mean. Thomas was trained in nineteenth-century British literature at the University of Texas at Austin, and also holds a Research Master's degree in Gender and Ethnicity Studies. In his free time Thomas gardens, listens to extremely boring non-fiction audiobooks, exercises obsessively and worries about the state of the world when he's not snuggling his children or pestering his wife.