Dr. Charles McDaniel
Associate Professor in Church-State Studies
Dr. Charles McDaniel joined the BIC faculty in 2008 and teaches World Cultures IV, Social World I & II, a capstone course with Dr. Mark Long, and occasionally Biblical Heritage and Contemporary Ethical Issues. He also teaches courses in the areas of church history, religion and law, and Christian social thought through Baylor's J.M. Dawson Institute. Dr. McDaniel has numerous publications in books and scholarly journals on subjects ranging from the Protestant Reformation to Christian and Muslim economic thought. His book, God and Money: The Moral Challenge of Capitalism, was published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2007. Dr. McDaniel serves as Book Review Editor for the Journal of Church and State.
In 2023 I contributed a book chapter, "Islamic reform movements and mosque-state relations: prospects and realities" to the Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State (New York: Springer), 401-419. I also published two scholarly articles: "American Christianity and the New Eugenics: Consumerism, Human Genetics, and the Challenge to Christian Personhood" in Christian Scholar's Review (Winter 2023): 21-42; and “Reinhold Niebuhr’s Vision: Christian Realism in an Emergent World Order” in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. xxxv, no. 1/2 (2023): 145-170. The second paper resulted from a keynote presentation for the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research/Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Annual Conference (July 2022). For the fall of 2023 I was awarded a sabbatical to work on a book project titled Reinhold Niebuhr's Christian Realism and the Restoration of Public Theology: Taming the Children of Darkness and Light. With the sabbatical and an accompanying University Research Committee Grant, I was able to study at Reinhold Niebuhr archives at both the Library of Congress and Columbia University's Union Theological Seminary. My hope is to have all chapters of the book complete by the end of summer 2024.