Dr. Anne-Marie Schultz
BIC Lecturer Professor of Philosophy
BIC Courses: Examined Life I
Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. (1993)
Dissertation: "Narrating Plato's Symposium: A Critique of Socratic Discipleship"
Director: Stanley H. Rosen
Trinity University, B.A., summa cum laude (1988)
Areas of Specialization:
Greek Philosophy
Interdisciplinary Humanities
Areas of Competence:
Philosophy and Literature
Academic Appointments:
2014-Present: Professor of Philosophy, Baylor University
2000-2014: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Baylor University
1993-1999: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Baylor University
Administrative Appointments:
2008-2021: Director of the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
2005-2008: Director of Graduate Studies, Philosophy Department
- Dissertation: "Narrating Plato's Symposium: A Critique of Socratic Discipleship," Pennsylvania State University, Director Stanley H. Rosen (1993)
- Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse (Lanham: Lexington Press, May 2013)
Book Chapters:
- "Socrates and the Narrative Art of Self-Care: An Apollinian and Dionysian Synthesis," in Socrates and Dionysius: Philosophy and Art in Dialogue, Ed. Ann Ward (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013): 138-158
- "So What Ever Happened to Those Philosopher Queens?," in Philosophical Feminism and Popular Culture, Eds. Sharon Crasnow and Joanne Waugh (Lanham: Lexington, 2013): 71-95
- "Socratic Reason and Emotion: Revisiting the Intellectualist Socrates in Plato's Protagoras," in Socrates: Reason or Unreason as the Foundation of European Identity, Ed. Ann Ward (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007): 1-29
- "Monica: Augustine's Feminine Face of Christ," in Rereading the Canon: Feminist Interpretations of Saint Augustine, Ed. Judith Stark (University Park, Penn State Press, 2007): 92-126
- "Know Thyself: Socrates as Storyteller," in Philosophy in Dialogue Form: Plato's Many Devices, Ed. Gary Scott (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2007): 82-109
- "Stories of Hope and the Challenge of Culture: Reading Gloria Anzaldua, bell hooks, and Roberta Bondi," in The Gift of Story: Narrating Hope in a Postmodern World, Eds. Mark Eaton and Emily Griesinger (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2006): 51-68
- "Recovering and Recollecting the Soul," in Plato's Forms: Varieties of Interpretation, Ed. William Welton (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003): 111-136
- "Diotima Tells Socrates a Story: A Narrative Analysis of Plato's Symposium," in Feminism and Ancient Philosophy, Ed. Julie Ward (New York: Routledge, 1996): 175-194
- "Moving Outside the Cave: Plato's Protagoras as a Model for Cultivating Citizens of the World," SpazioFilosofico 10 (2014): 115-130.z
- "Socratic Meditation and Emotional Self-Regulation: A Model for Human Dignity in the Technological Age," Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 24 (2013): 1-29, with Dr. Paul Carron
- "Revisiting the Ironic Socrates: Eironeia in Socrates' Narrative Commentary," Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (2012): 23-32
- "The Narrative Frame of Plato's Euthydemus," Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (2009): 163-172
- "You Are What You Read: Reading the Books of Augustine's Confessions," Augustinian Studies 39 (2008): 1-1-112
- "Socrates and Sophrosune: Narrative and Ethics in Plato's Charmides," Listening: A Journal of Philosophy and Religion (2007): 13-23
- "Cultivating Christian Citizenship: Martha Nussbaum's Socrates, Augustine's Confessions, and the Modern University," Christian Scholars Review XXXI (2003): 21-52, with Michael Beaty
- "Hatha Yoga: A Phenomenological Experience of Nature," Analecta Husserliana 78 (2003): 85-92
- "Looking Beyond the Elenchus," Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (1998): 157-168
- "The Practical Self: A Test Case for Foucault," Analecta Husserliana 59 (1997): 69-82
- "Plato Visits Postmodernity: Reflections on Narrative Philosophy," Southwest Philosophy Review II (1995): 135-142
- "Thus Spoke Augustine: An Analysis of the Relationship between Language an Spirituality in the Confessions," Contemporary Philosophy 15 (1993): 4-7
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning:
- "Creating Community in the Philosophy Classroom: Using Blackboard's Online Journal Program to Promote Philosophical Thinking, Writing, and Speaking," Teaching Philosophy 29 (2006): 1-22, with Dr. Lenore Wright
- "The Best Thing in Classroom Technology Since Chalk: Using Blackboard's Online Journal Program," Journal of Interactive Instruction Development 16 (2004): 3-11, with Dr. Lenore Wright
- "Socrates Goes to the Cinema: Using Film in the Philosophy Classroom," Teaching Philosophy 26 (2003): 21-41, with Dr. Lenore Wright
- "Drawing Shadows on the Wall: Teaching Plato's the Allegory of the Cave," Teaching Philosophy 24 (2001): 121-132
- "Neither Cave Nor Cage: Multi-Media Presentations and Their Impact on Critical Thinking," Inquiry XVIII (1999): 36-54, with Dr. Scott Moore
- "The Use of Reading Questions as a Pedagogical Method: Teaching Philosophy Interrogatively and Narratively," Teaching Philosophy 24 (1999): 24-37, with Michael Beaty
Forthcoming Articles:
- "The Virtuous Ensemble: Socratic Harmony and Psychological Authenticity," Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (2014), with Dr. Paul Carron
- "Socrates on Socrates: Looking Backward to Bring Philosophy Forward," proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (2015)
- "The Power of Practice: Aristotle and Contemporary Hatha Yoga," Journal of the International Society for European Ideas (2015)
- "Listening for Socrates' voice in the Theaetetus: Recovering a Lost Narrator," in Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato, Eds. Debra Nails and Harold Tarrant, Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica 13 (2015)