Kenny Wolfe ('04)
Over the past (nearly) 20 years, the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core has graduated over 250 students with Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degrees. The BIC strives to include students from all areas of the university—arts and sciences, social work, engineering and computer science, education, nursing, and business. We recently heard from BIC graduate, Kenny Wolfe (’04), who sends in the following update:
“I graduated early (due to the BIC) in December of ’03. After graduating Baylor I got an accounting job at a small oil and gas firm and attended night classes at University of Texas at Arlington to get my MBA. I worked my way up to partner in the oil and gas firm. Three years ago I started to get into real estate and have nearly made the full transition. My wife (Baylor ’04) and I now run Wolfe RE Mgmt, LLC. We are principals in 576 apartment units here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and looking to grow further.”
Looking back on his BIC education, Kenny believes the BIC helped him prepare for the business world and gave him the means to be a more effective leader. Kenny writes,
“The BIC is a great place for business majors for a few reasons.
“The first is grasping the idea of seeing the world through other peoples’ eyes. This comes in handy whether you are trying to relate to an employee, supervisor, or potential customer. This type of mindset also allows you to recognize a good or service not offered in the market. The second benefit is the extra load of work compared to your peers in “regular” classes, [which] teaches you to manage your work tasks and extra-curricular activities. And, last but not least, is the ability to write and communicate effectively. I use this on a regular basis when writing business letters, emails, or talking in front of an audience.
“The BIC is a great place for business majors to enhance their Baylor experience and get some of the intangible skills that we use in the business world.”