Dr. Xin Wang
BIC Lecturer Associate Professor of Chinese & Division Director of African & Asian Languages
Modern Languages and Cultures
BIC Courses: World Cultures II and V
Research/Teaching Interests:
- Contemporary Chinese society and culture
- The middle class in China
- Education in China
- Asian Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Interdisciplinary teaching on globalization
- Ed.D., Higher Education (International Education and Sociology of Education), Baylor University
- M.S.Ed., Educational Administration and Leadership, Baylor University
- B.A., English Language and Literature, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics (China)
Courses Taught at Baylor:
- Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture (AST 4310 & 4388)
- World Cultures II and V (BIC 1324 & 4374)
- Contemporary Chinese Literature I & II (CHI 4301 & 4302)
- Business in China I & II (CHI 3305 & 3306)
- All levels of Chinese Language courses
Selected Publications:
- X. Wang. (2010). Higher Education as a Field of Study in China: Defining Knowledge and Curriculum Structure. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (165 pages)
Selected Journal Articles:
- X. Wang. "Uncertainty for Chinese Students in the United States." East Asia Forum Quarterly (2021).
- X. Wang. "Capital, Habitus, Social Reproduction, and Education in Post-Mao China: Understanding Motivations of Middle-Class Students in Pursuing Studying Abroad in the United States." Journal of Education and Philosophy 52.12 (2020): 1314-1328. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1767074.
- X. Wang. "Campus Sexual Assaults: Reexamining University Governance and Moral Leadership in the United States." Journal of Soochow University (Educational Science Edition), Suzhou (China) 13.3 (2016): 118-125 [in Chinese].
- X. Wang. "MOOC's Global Footprint and Its Implications for Internationalization of Higher Education." Journal of Soochow University (Educational Science Edition), Suzhou (China) 11.3 (2014): 112-117 [in Chinese].
- X. Wang. "Desperately Seeking Status: China's Rising Middle Class and Its Political, Social, and Cultural Attributes." Modern China Studies 23.1 (2013): 1-30.
- X. Wang. "Seeking Channels for Engagement: Media Use in the Political Communication of the Rising Middle Class in China." China: An International Journal 7.1 (2009): 31-56.
- X. Wang. "Divergent Identities, Convergent Interests: Civic Awareness of the Rising Middle-Income Stratum in China." Journal of Contemporary China 17.54 (2008): 53-69.
Selected Book Chapters:
- X. Wang. "Global footprints and localization: The rise of MOOCs in China." In MOOCs and higher education: What went right, what went wrong and where to next? Rebecca Bennett & Mike Kent, eds. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2017): 46-57.
- X. Wang. "Conflicted Images: Producing and Consuming Images of the Middle Class in China’s Media." In The Middle Class in Emerging Societies: Consumers, Lifestyles and Markets. Leslie Marsh and Hongmei Li, eds. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2015): 58-81.
- X. Wang. "In Pursuit of Status: The Rising Consumerism of China’s Middle Class." In The Changing Landscape of China’s Consumerism. Alison Hulme, ed. (London: Chandos, 2014): 1-22. DOI: 10.1533/9781780634425.1.
- X. Wang. "Artistry and Commercialism in Zhang Yimou’s Filmmaking in the Last Two Decades." In Dekalog 4: On East Asian Filmmakers. Kate E. Taylor-Jones, ed. (London and New York: Wallflower Press and Columbia University Press, 2011): 62-79.
- X. Wang. "Self-Identity and Civic Consciousness of the Newly Emerged Middle Class in China [中国新兴的中间阶层及其自我认同与公民意识]." In Social Classes in Transitional China [中国社会转型中的阶级]. Yang Su, Shizheng Feng and Chunping Han, eds. (Beijing, China: Social Science Academy CSSA Press, 2010): 201-223 [in Chinese].