Incoming Students
Welcome to the BIC!
We're excited that you will be joining us this fall!
The Baylor Interdisciplinary Core faculty and staff are glad you are coming to Baylor, and we want to help you get ready to start your BIC experience at Baylor. If you should have any questions about the BIC program, please contact us via email or come by our advising office in Morrison Hall 231. You can also visit your BIC professors this summer in Draper 246!
Advising and registration for fall classes started in June. You should have received an email from your academic advisor inviting you to schedule your advising appointment.
You will meet with your BIC academic advisor virtually and they will advise you for ALL of your academic requirements - major, minor, preprofessional, etc.
In the meantime, you can fill out this form to help us get to know you better!