Laura Blanche Jackson Endowed Lectureship in World Issues

Monday, September 23, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Alexander Reading Room, Honors Residential College

The Honors College invites you to attend the Laura Blanche Jackson Lectureship in World Issues featuring Jeff Polet, Ph.D. Dr. Polet is the Director of the Ford Leadership Forum at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation. He is a Senior Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center and a Board member of The Front Porch Republic. He has published on a wide variety of topics including 20th-century European thought, American political thought with a special emphasis on the Constitutional period, education, Constitutional law, literature and politics, religion and politics, and others. Besides his scholarly writing, his essays have appeared in more popular venues such as The Hill, The American Conservative, First Things, The Spectator, and others.